000209_news@columbia.edu_Thu Oct 26 10:50:29 1995.msg
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From: jamess@winternet.com (JamesSturdevant)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: how to get DOS kermit c source code?
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 12:02:53 LOCAL
Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc
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In article <46hf3j$li3@Mercury.mcs.com> les@MCS.COM (Leslie Mikesell) writes:
>But you keep missing the fact that not only can't someone improve
>kermit and sell it, they also can't improve it and give it away
>as has happened with lots of other software.
That isn't true. In the past few years, I have added a number of features to
MS-Kermit. I sent them back to Columbia and they are now included for all to
use. I have also looked through the code for C-Kermit when I have had
problems and identified bugs or coded better solutions. The bugs have been
corrected and some of the suggestions have been accepted; others haven't.
The point is that if you have an idea to improve Kermit, suggest it, or code
it yourself and send it in. If it is a good idea, the chances of it being
selected are good. If it's not, the Kermit team will explain why they cannot
use it.
One of the things that has kept Kermit strong and improving over the years is
that there is a single point for Kermit distribution, keeping it consistant.
If you read the notes from Frank on how difficult it is to code things for the
various versions of UNIX (or is it Unix or unix...) you can see that see that
having multiple distributions, each with their own idiosyncrasies, is not a
good thing.